encourages locals, domestic and foreign tourists to explore more of the greater Knysna area, discover all it has to offer, Instagram it and share with the rest of the world.
Who is KAS?
The Knysna Arts Society was established in the early 1980´s and has, since then, provided a platform for artists in Knysna and across the Garden Route to network, hold exhibitions, art workshops and gather to inspire and support each other. More recently the Art Route has been created, making it easier for visitors to plan their Art Meander, this includes galleries, working artist studios, art venues, restaurants and so much more.
Follow Knysna Arts on Facebook and Instagram. Join our Garden Route Artists Unite Facebook Page to network and see what other Knysna and Garden Route artists have been busy with.
to inspire the local art community
to create a sharing platform and to empower underprivileged artists in our community
Knysna, an artist's paradise
The Knysna Art Society has emerged out of a highly creative community of Knysna, known for the infamous beauty of the Garden Route in Southern Africa. KAS holds regular exhibitions, competitions, artist studio visits and exciting art projects in and around the beautiful town.