Knysna Arts Society

Become a KAS Member

How do I become a member?

Please make use of Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) to pay for your membership application, after completing the below application form.

Make use of your Name & Surname as the transfer reference – Please email your proof of payment to

Once paid, you may collect your membership card at Art Café on Queen. [Click here for directions].

Standard Membership

  • The opportunity to exhibit at the Old Gaol art gallery
  • The opportunity to go to Cité des Artes in Paris for a residency PLUS a FREE pass to visit most museums in Paris
  • KAS newsletters, info about workshops, invitations to special events, art projects and more...
  • Your own FREE web page on the KAS site to promote your art
  • at all of these local suppliers: The Deckle Edge, Picture it Framed, Blitsdruk, Wrap-it, 3D Printing @ Creative Design Studio

Members over 65 yrs: R150  |  Student membership: R150  |  Partners of members: R100


Our banking details:

Bank Name: Standard Bank

Account Holder Name: Knysna Arts Society

Account Number: 086 032 224

Branch: Knysna

Branch Code: 051001