Knysna Arts Society

Welcome to the virtual space of our curated group exhibition [5 – 21 December 2024].

If you are interested in one of the available pieces, please send a mail with details to


Nanna Joubert

A few of the reasons why the fragrance of the Garden Route is so distinctly lovely:

Agathosma apiulata, Agathosma capensis,Agathos maovata, Anemia afrorum, Centella virgata, Crocodia aurata, Eriocephalus africans, Helichrysum cymosum, Helichrysum foeditum, Helichrysum odoratissimum, Helichrysum petiolare, Hippia frutescens, Leonotis leonurus, Notobubon laevigatum, Pelargonium peltatum, Ramalina celastri, Salvia aurea, Struthiola hirsuta, Tarchonanthus littoralis, Usneahirta

Not for sale

Donations to Pledge Nature Reserve are Welcome